

Are you interested in getting your products or services exposed to a large and growing audience? Engaging with the ParkyGames online community couldn't be easier! We offer several opportunities...

ParkyGames YouTube avatar
  • Exclusive product sponsorships for the ParkyGames YouTube Channel;
  • Videos tailored to show off your games and products;
  • Social media advertising for your products and services;
  • Sponsored video giveaways or unboxings;
  • Product placement across all YouTube and media platforms;
  • Participation in, and video or social media coverage, of events.

We are dedicated to providing high-quality video and social media coverage for your products/services, with a quick and easy process, allowing you to create a mutually-beneficial partnership with the ParkyGames brand. Please send us a message on the Contact page for more information.


I'm always looking for other Youtubers to take part in collaborative videos with me, or to create a mutually beneficial partnership with. In the past, I've created some very popular video series and successful partnerships with other YouTube channels. Here are some basic expectations...

ParkyGames YouTube channel
  • Your channel must have a substantial or similar subscriber count to my channel;
  • Your channel must receive a sizeable and regular amount of views;
  • The video(s) idea(s) must be achievable and result in a high-quality product;
  • Your schedule is flexible to suit both of our needs;
  • If the video(s) is posted on your channel, a link to my channel must be present in the video description;
  • You have high quality recording equipment (audio and visual), and have a good understanding of video editing;
  • You must have a good internet connection (to avoid repeated dropouts from recording sessions and further issues).

There's opportunity to feature your channel on the 'Featured Channels' list of my channel. This follows the expectations above, and you will be required to reciprocate in turn.